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Do I have to be in the Fisher College of Business to join?


Nu Chapter, according to the Delta Sigma Pi Bylaws, accepts Pre-business majors as well as those majoring in Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences.  If your major is not congruent with these majors, we are not allowed to offer you a bid to our fraternity.


Can freshmen join Delta Sigma Pi?


Yes! Freshman are highly encouraged to come to recruitment events for DSP.


Is there a minimum GPA requirement to join Delta Sigma Pi?


Yes, the minimum GPA is 3.0.


Do I have to attend all of the recruitment events?


You must attend at least one Meet the Chapter to apply.


What are "Meet the Chapter Nights?"


Meet the Chapter Nights are informational meetings about Delta Sigma Pi.  We have a presentation from our President and active members.  Following the presentation, you may stay to chat with brothers about DSP.  It is a great way to get to know active brothers and to see what Delta Sigma Pi is all about.  Please note that you may dress casually for the Meet the Chapter Nights. 


What should I wear to my formal interview?


Because we are a professional business fraternity, professional attire is recommended.  Men may wear a suit/slacks and a tie, and women may wear a suit/slacks and a blouse or a professional dress with appropriate length.  However, we understand that many younger students do not have business suits yet.  Therefore, dress as appropriately as your wardrobe allows.  If you do not own any professional attire and cannot find someone to borrow from, do not be discouraged from attending!


What if I cannot make it to the interview times because of a conflict?


Contact Gianna Chiariello (email on the Executive Committee tab under "Brothers" and Contact our Chapter tab under "Contact"), and she may be able to schedule an alternate interview time for you.


How many people are normally selected to become part of the Pledge Class?


There is no specific size for a pledge class in Delta Sigma Pi.

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